
Trarbach, J.; Schosser, S. & Vogt, B.: “Payment for Pain: Differences between Hypothetical and Real Preferences”, In: International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering, 6, 2017, p. 317-374.

Neumann, T.; Schosser, S.; Vogt, B.: “Ultimatum Bargaining Over Losses and Gains – An Experimental Comparison”, In: Social Science Research, 67, 2017, p. 49-58.

Neumann, T.; Schosser, S.; Vogt, B.: “The Impact of Previous Action on Bargaining - An Experiment on the Emergence of Preferences for Fairness Norms”, In: Games, 8 (3), 2017, p. 1-9.

Brunnlieb, C.; Nave, G.; Camerer, C.; Schosser, S.; Vogt, B.; Münte, T. & Heldmann, M.: “Vasopressin increases human risky cooperative behavior”, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (8), 2016, p. 2051-2056.

Schosser, S.; Trarbach, J. & Vogt, B.: “How does the perception of pain determine the selection between different treatments?”, In: Journal of Ecomomic Behavior & Organization, 131 (B), 2015, p. 174-182.

Kroll, E.; Morgenstern, R.; Neumann, T.; Schosser, S. & Vogt, B.: “Bargaining power does not matter when sharing losses - Experimental evidence of equal split in the Nash bargaining game”, In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 108, 2014, p. 261-272.

Berninghaus, S.; Güth, W. & Schosser, S.: “Backward induction or forward reasoning? An experiment of stochastic alternating offer bargaining”, In: International Game Theory Review, 16(1), 2014.

Berninghaus, S.; Güth, W. & Schosser, S.: “Reciprocity in Locating Contributions - Experiments on the Neighborhood Public Good Game”, In: Games, 4(2), 2013, 144-162.

Berninghaus, S.; Haller, S.; Krüger, T.; Neumann, T.; Schosser, S. & Vogt, B.: “Risk attitude, beliefs, and information in a Corruption Game – An experimental analysis”, In: Journal of Economic Psychology, 34 (1), 2013, p. 46-60.

Schosser, S.; Böhm K. & Vogt, B.: “A study of the impact of structure on cooperation in networks”, In: Web Intelligence and Agent Systems - An International Journal, 9 (2), 2011, p. 269-288.

Hartmann, B.-O.; Böhm, K.; Khachatryan, A.; Schosser, S. & Vogt, B.: “Incentivizing Connectivity in Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems”, In: Web Intelligence and Agent Systems - An International Journal, 8(2), 2010, p. 123-147


Neumann, T.; Schosser, S.; Vogt, B. & Voigt, G.: “Credible Information Sharing in Supply Chains - A Behavioral Assessment of Review Strategies”, In: Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019, p. 1528-1537.

Neumann, T.; Schosser, S. & Vogt, B.: “Non-acceptance of Losses - An Experimental Study on the Importance of the Sign of Final Outcomes in Ultimatum Bargaining”, In: Operations Research Proceedings 2017, 2017.

Schosser, S. & Vogt, B.: “What Automaton Model Captures Decision Making? The Necessity of Behavioral Complexity”, In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Smart City/SocialCom/SustainCom (SmartCity), 2015, p. 229-235.

Schosser, S.; Berninghaus, S. & Vogt, B.: “Equilibrium Selection under Limited Control – An Experiment on Network Hawk Dove Games”, In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing, 2012.

Schosser, S.; Böhm, K. & Vogt, B.: “Competition vs. Fairness - Analyzing Structured Networks by Means of User Experiments”, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2008, p. 897-905

Schosser, S.; Böhm, K. & Vogt, B.: “Online vs. Offline Behavior: How to Design Strategic Agents for Distributed Coordinator-Free Environments”, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2008, p. 48-56

Schosser, S.; Böhm, K. & Vogt, B.: “Do Humans Identify Efficient Strategies in Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems?”, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2008, p. 1517-1521

Hartmann, B.-O.; Böhm, K.; Khachatryan, A.; Schosser, S. & Vogt, B.: “The Dangers of Poorly Connected Peers in Structured P2P Networks and a Solution Based on Incentives”, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2007.

Schosser, S.; Böhm, K. & Vogt, B.: “Indirect Partner Interaction in P2P Networks - Stimulating Cooperation by Means of Structure”, In: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2007, p. 124-133

Steinhaus, H.; Böhm, K. & Schosser, S.: “Anreizmechanismen für Peer-to-Peer Web Crawling unter Berücksichtigung bösartiger Teilnehmer”, In: Proceedings der GI-Fachtagung für Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web, 2007

Walter, A.; Böhm, K. & Schosser, S.: “Building Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Globus Toolkit - an Evaluation Based on Web Crawling”, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, 2007

Walter, A.; Böhm, K. & Schosser, S.: “Überlegungen zur Entwicklung komplexer Grid-Anwendungen mit Globus Toolkit”, In: Proceedings der GI-Fachtagung für Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web, 2007

Schosser, S.; Böhm, K.; Schmidt, R. & Vogt, B.: “Incentives Engineering for Structured P2P Systems - a Feasibility Demonstration Using Economic Experiments”, In: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2006, p. 280-289


Schosser, S.; Böhm, K.; Schmidt, R. & Vogt, B.: “Strategic Properties of Peer-to-Peer Data Structures and Behavior of Human Peers in Economic Experiments”, In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, 2006, p. 20-20

Höpfner, H.; Schosser, S. & Sattler, K.-U.: “An Indexing Scheme for Update Notification in Large Mobile Information Systems”, In: Proceedings of the International EDBT-Workshop on “Pervasive Information Management”, 2004

Beiträge zu Sammelbänden

Ehlbeck, M.; Schosser, S. & Wind, J.: “Zahlenbasiertes Arbeiten im E-Commece - Ein Wunschszenario”, In: Handbuch Marketing-Controlling, Zerres, C. (Editor), 2017

Berninghaus, S. & Schosser, S.: “A Brief Outline of Behavioral Economics and how Quantum Decision Modeling Might Contribute”, In: Entwicklung und Perspektiven der Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Ramser, H. & Stadler, M. (Editoren), 2014


Schosser, S. “Analyse von Verlusten, Netzwerken, Komplexität und hormonellen Einflüssen auf menschliches Interaktionsverhalten”, Habilitationsschrift, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2015

Schosser, S.: “Strategische Analyse von Anreizmechanismen in strukturierten Peer-to-Peer Systemen”, Dissertation, Fakultät für Informatik, Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 2009